The quick answer is to simply prevent and/or help treat current decubitus ulcers, oth

Sores are diagnosed in 4 stages. The first being identified by redness or soreness in a specific area. Second, by skin breakdown and bleeding. The third, is much more serious as you start to see muscle and adipose tissue, while the fourth is the most severe and painful for a patient. A stage four sore is deep enough that bone may be exposed. Once a sore has been identified and diagenosed as a Stage 2 Ulcer most insurance companies will pay for a rented Pressure Mattress. Tjese ,attresses fit perfectly on any semi-electric hospital bed. Both are rented items and can be provided by Altapro Medical at the patient's convenience.
Patients who benefit from an APM:
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Fibromyalgia
- Stage 2 Bed Sores
- Paraplegic
- Quadriplegic
Semi-Electric Hospital Bed
A hospital bed can make a big difference in the overall comfort of the patient while at home. Thses beds are fully adjustable, wile making it easier to breath for the patient while reducing weilling in the lower

All hospital beds at Altapro Medical include grab bars and delux mattresses, if needed, a trapeze bar may be added to the order. Insurance companies will usually cover the cost of a semi-electric hospital bed on a rental basis.
May/June Specials
Rollators $169.99 Plus Tax
Compression Stockings 15% OFF All Styles and Sizes
*tax waived if you have a current prescription