Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Synergy Cushions & Backs - Economically Sound, Patient First

Introduce your clients to the advantages of Synergy Cushions and Backs, the economically sound choice that put the needs of the patient first.

A variety of models are available, providing the benefits of pressure management and positioning, with long-lasting comfort. Each model has specific features and benefits, including Gel-cell inserts, modular positioning components, and more! All at an affordable cost.

Synergy Cushion Models include:
  • Simplicity (E2610/E2602 - General Use)-Tremendous comfort and moderate pressure management
  • Solution 1 (E2603/E2604 - Skin Protection)-Innovateive 2-layer design for exceptional pressure management and positioning
  • Solution (E2607/E2608 - Skin Protection & Positioning)-Three component design for pressure management, positioning, and comfort
  • Spectrum (Gel: E2506/E2606-Positioning; Visco: E2607/E2608-Skin Protection & Positioning)-Customized comfort with superb positioning and pressure management
  • Structure 2 (K0734/K0735- Adjustable Skin Protection)-Unique modular design for advanced pressure management and maximum comfort
The Synergy Shape Back (E2613/E2614- Positioning Back Cushion, Posterior) provides contoured comfort and superb pressure management, with a dual layer foam construction. The Shape Back also features a unique one-hand, one-motion, quick release and is available in standard, low, and tall heights.

*Source provided by


Features Include:
  • Adjustable Fold Flat Captains Chair
  • Increased Torque and Range
  • Easy Slide Access Batteries

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


In an article published by the National Institutes of Health, at least one in three people over the age of 65 fall each year in their homes. In addition to this more than 1.6 million Americans 65 and older are injured due to fall related accidents.

Richard Snyder, a physical therapist, said "this frequent occurrence makes fall the number on cause of fractures, hospital admissions for trauma, loss of independence, and injury-related deaths for the elderly".

The following are suggestions and possible solutions to prevent falls in the future for your patients and clients:

Living Room
1. Clear cords from walking path
2. Manage throw rugs, remove or fasten
3. Install adequate lighting
1. Install touch lighting rather than switches
2. Place phone next to bed
3. Long bedding and clothing may cause falls
Stairs, Hallways & Paths
1. Clutter Free
2. Adequate lighting
3. Install reflective tape in hallways and on stairs
1. Toss out throw rugs
2. Bring items that are used often to waist level
3. Adequate lighting
1. Install grab bars and hand rails
2. Use non-skid mats
3. Empty tub before getting out
4. Always keep a night light on
Outdoor Walkways
1. Clutter free
2. Use different paint colors on steps to aid in vision

In addition to these helpful ideas it is also a great idea to recommend that patients take advantage of available medical equipment to aid them in accomplishing their mobility related activities of daily living (MRADLs).

Such equipment like walkers, canes, manual wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs, and hospital beds are available at your local Durable Medical Equipment supplier.

At Altapro Medical we also accept Medicare, Medicaid (Idaho), and a majority of private insurances!

Come in Today and see what we can do for YOU and your PATIENT!

*Source: "How to Prevent Falls." Richard Snyder


Q-Logic Drive Controls - Making a Difference in Daily Lives

The fully programmable Q-Logic Drive Control System from Quantum Rehab is packed with unique features including an innovative display that provides users with more information than ever before. Speed, battery condition, odometer information, and time are all presented in an easy-to-read color display.

In addition, Q-Logic offers expanded programming options, allowing for new levels or customization.

Features include:
  • Full color, 2.2" graphic display
  • Reminder features to allow clients to program alerts to let them know when it's time to weight shift, take medications, charge batteries, and more
  • Odometer/speedometer
  • Real-time clock
  • Motor feedback
  • Adaptability to accommodate secondary controls
  • Language support in English, German, Spanish, French and Italian
Also available is the Q-Logic Enhanced Display, offering even more advantages for your clients, including:
  • Standard Bluetooth wireless mouse emulation
  • Built-in intelligent learning infrared controls
*Information for this was provided by


Referrals as Easy as 1-2-3!!

Altapro Medical provides area health care professionals the tools needed to meet all their patient's needs. Not only will Altapro Medical provide a "hassle free" experience for the provider but in addition the entire staff is "focused on the patient" and their medical equipment needs. The Mobility Specialists at Altapro are trained to educate the patient and answer all their questions about types of equipment and funding resources. If you have a question or one of your patients have a question it is as easy as 1-2-3 to get the answers you need. Contact us at 866-505-2582 to set up a time to meet. All in-home consultations are FREE!!!!!!

In previous editions we have also discussed some of the current issues regarding our Medicare and Medicaid systems. It is important to remember in regards to Durable Medical Equipment, Medicare will cover 80% of the routinely purchased equipment such as: Power Wheelchairs, Manual Wheelchairs, Hospital Beds, Alternating Pressure Mattress, and Oxygen Systems. When Medicare is combined with a good supplementary insurance plan the majority of the time, your patients can receive the equipment they need with little to no cost to them. Regarding Idaho Medicaid, everything is covered 100%. Finally with the combination of Medicare and Medicaid your patient is guaranteed to pay no costs out of pocket!

Rental Equipment

In the world of DME there are 2 types of equipment: purchased and rented. We will focus on rented equipment. The majority of rented equipment is rented by the insurance company for 13-months. At the end of the rental period the equipment becomes the property of the beneficiary. It is very important to remember that while equipment is being rented there are NO SERVICE CHARGES on that equipment. The following is a list of rental equipment Altapro Medical offers:
1. Manual Wheelchair-Pride Stylus complete with cushion & leg rests
2. Semi-electric Hospital Bed-complete set up includes deluxe mattress, adjustable arm rails, and a trapeze bar.
3. Alternating Pressure Mattress-based on diagnosis of the patient, APM's are great for pressure relief and to aid in the healing of decupitus ulcers.
4. Oxygen Systems-complete with Concentrator and Home Fill Unit for the patient in their home. This system provides the patient with the independence and freedom of managing their oxygen

The Inside Scoop on Funding for DME

Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers or bath chairs and supplies such as feeding tubes, catheters and dressings. DME and suppliers are usually not useful to a person who is not sick or injured.

In addition to qualifying for equipment, it is important to find and utilize the appropriate funding resource to ensure the patient's financial needs are addressed. In this months newsletter we will focus on (a) Medicare benefits (b) Idaho Medicaid and (c) the benefit of both insurances.

Medicare Benefits

Medicare has been a blessing for men and women 65 and over. Yes, it is no secret that Medicare was never intended to cover all expenses. Medicare Part B, the Medical Insurance, is available and will help pay "billed charges" for other medical services and supplies such as Power Wheelchairs, Manual Wheelchairs, Hospital Beds, and Oxygen.

Medicare Part B pays a portion of expenses, however, the beneficiary is responsible for a "deductible". The deductible is set by Medicare and typically increases each year. In 2007, beneficiaries were required to pay the first $131 of "Medicare Eligible Expenses" covered under Part B. In 2008 & 2009, beneficiaries will be required to pay a $135 deductible of the "Medicare Eligible Expenses" covered under Part B.

Once the deductible has been covered, then Medicare will pay 80% of eligible charges and the beneficiary is responsible for the remaining 20%, this is called "co-payment". Co-payments are covered by secondary insurances or other funding sources.

Idaho Medicaid Benefits

The Department of Health and Welfare will purchase or rent, when medically necessary, reasonable, and cost effective, durable medical equipment (DME) and medical supplies for participants residing in a community settting. When Idaho Medicaid is the priary insurance there are no co-payments required. Medicaid will cover equipment 100%.

Benefit of Both Insurances

Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries will not have to worry about costly medical equipment. Medicare and Medicaid together will cover the equipment 100%!!!


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Monday, April 6, 2009


Do you have questions about mobility options?
Here's what you need to know........

Helping your patients achieve their mobility:

Carpe Diem, seize the day, today is as good as any day to start working towards a better tomorrow. What is a better tomorrow and how can we help those we care for to achieve that goal? The following will outline a step by step process, proven to work by Altapro Medical, to help you in achieving your patients mobility related goals.

Step 1:
If your patient is experiencing any of the following contact Altapro Medical and a certified mobility specialist will meet with your patient. Aches and pains in joints and muscle to the point they choose not to move. If your patient has fallen within the last 6 months or the treat of a fall is prevalent. If your patient has a difficult time getting up to make a snack, use the retroom, or perform a task within the home. If your pateitn currently uses a can, walker, or manual wheelchair but no longer has the strength or stamina to use that device.

Step 2:
After meeting with a mobility specialist your patient will see their physician to request their power wheelchair. At that point the mobility specialist will coordinate services with you, the care giver, and all other resouces available.

Step 3:
All paperwork and prescriptions will be handles by the mobility specialist to ensure a "hassle free paperwork" experience for you the caregiver!

Step 4:
Delivery and one-on-one Ambulatory Coaching with patient in home to achieve their goals!