Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Inside Scoop on Funding for DME

Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers or bath chairs and supplies such as feeding tubes, catheters and dressings. DME and suppliers are usually not useful to a person who is not sick or injured.

In addition to qualifying for equipment, it is important to find and utilize the appropriate funding resource to ensure the patient's financial needs are addressed. In this months newsletter we will focus on (a) Medicare benefits (b) Idaho Medicaid and (c) the benefit of both insurances.

Medicare Benefits

Medicare has been a blessing for men and women 65 and over. Yes, it is no secret that Medicare was never intended to cover all expenses. Medicare Part B, the Medical Insurance, is available and will help pay "billed charges" for other medical services and supplies such as Power Wheelchairs, Manual Wheelchairs, Hospital Beds, and Oxygen.

Medicare Part B pays a portion of expenses, however, the beneficiary is responsible for a "deductible". The deductible is set by Medicare and typically increases each year. In 2007, beneficiaries were required to pay the first $131 of "Medicare Eligible Expenses" covered under Part B. In 2008 & 2009, beneficiaries will be required to pay a $135 deductible of the "Medicare Eligible Expenses" covered under Part B.

Once the deductible has been covered, then Medicare will pay 80% of eligible charges and the beneficiary is responsible for the remaining 20%, this is called "co-payment". Co-payments are covered by secondary insurances or other funding sources.

Idaho Medicaid Benefits

The Department of Health and Welfare will purchase or rent, when medically necessary, reasonable, and cost effective, durable medical equipment (DME) and medical supplies for participants residing in a community settting. When Idaho Medicaid is the priary insurance there are no co-payments required. Medicaid will cover equipment 100%.

Benefit of Both Insurances

Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries will not have to worry about costly medical equipment. Medicare and Medicaid together will cover the equipment 100%!!!

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